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 Frost resist gear

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PostSubject: Frost resist gear   Frost resist gear Icon_minitimeSun Jan 11, 2009 2:15 am

ther has been alot of hassle about frost resist gear in wotlk and lack there of but thanks to ciderhelm and tankspot.com i managed to find a list oft items that are idea and a must have for every raid member wanting to finish naxx (saph and KT)

Pendant of Thawing(lvl70) <<< every raider must have!

* 2x FelsteelBar
* 6x Primal Fire
* 4x Primal Water
* 1x Mercurial Adamantite

Titanium Frostguard Ring

* 2x Titanium Bars
* 3x Eternal Water
* 3x Eternal Fire
* 1x Frozen Orb

Glacial Robe

* 6x Bolt of Imbued Frostweave
* 3x Eternal Fire
* 3x Eternal Water
* 3x Eternium Thread
* 1x Frozen Orb

Glacial Slippers

* 4x Bolt of Imbued Frostweave
* 2x Eternal Fire
* 2x Eternal Water
* 2x Eternium Thread
* 1x Frozen Orb

Glacial Waistband

* 4x Bolt of Imbued Frostweave
* 2x Eternal Fire
* 2x Eternal Water
* 2x Eternium Thread
* 1x Frozen Orb


* 14x Bolt of Imbued Frostweave
* 7x Eternal Fire
* 7x Eternal Water
* 7x Eternium Thread
* 3x Frozen Orbs

Polar Boots

* 8x Heavy Borean Leather
* 2x Eternal Fire
* 2x Eternal Water
* 4x Nerubian Chitin
* 1x Frozen Orb

Polar Cord

* 8x Heavy Borean Leather
* 2x Eternal Fire
* 2x Eternal Water
* 4x Nerubian Chitin
* 1x Frozen Orb

Polar Vest

* 10x Heavy Borean Leather
* 3x Eternal Fire
* 3x Eternal Water
* 8x Nerubian Chitin
* 1x Frozen Orb


* 26x Heavy Borean Leather
* 7x Eternal Fire
* 7x Eternal Water
* 16x Nerubian Chitin
* 3x Frozen Orbs

Icy Scale Belt

* 8x Heavy Borean Leather
* 2x Eternal Fire
* 2x Eternal Water
* 4x Icy Dragonscale
* 1x Frozen Orb

Icy Scale Boots

* 8x Heavy Borean Leather
* 2x Eternal Fire
* 2x Eternal Water
* 4x Icy Dragonscale
* 1x Frozen Orb

Icy Scale Chestguard

* 10x Heavy Borean Leather
* 3x Eternal Fire
* 3x Eternal Water
* 8x Icy Dragonscale
* 1x Frozen Orb


* 26x Heavy Borean Leather
* 7x Eternal Fire
* 7x Eternal Water
* 16x Icy Dragonscale
* 3x Frozen Orb

Icebane Chestguard

* 16x Saronite Bar
* 3x Eternal Fire
* 3x Eternal Water

Icebane Girdle

* 12x Saronite Bar
* 2x Eternal Fire
* 2x Eternal Water

Icebane Treads

* 12x Saronite Bar
* 2x Eternal Fire
* 2x Eternal Water


* 40x Saronite Bars
* 7x Eternal Fire
* 7x Eternal Water

i know its alot of mats for just 2 bosses but a clear naxx is a huge increase to guild reputaion gear and overall raid progression, as such no raid member will be aloud to progress into the DK wing until they have the items listed above this goes for myself and the other high ranking members.
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PostSubject: Leather gear   Frost resist gear Icon_minitimeSun Jan 11, 2009 3:14 pm

Sent me any Arctic fur so i can buy the polar recipes
Then i'll grind them for our leather wearers
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PostSubject: Re: Frost resist gear   Frost resist gear Icon_minitimeThu Jan 29, 2009 6:06 am

For now I've got the following recipes I can make:
- Polar Cord (leather)
- Polar Boots (leather)
- Icy Scale Belt (leather)
- Icy Scale Boots (leather)

So, if anybody needs one of these give me shout.

Also, who in the guild can make the ring and the necklace?
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PostSubject: Re: Frost resist gear   Frost resist gear Icon_minitimeThu Jan 29, 2009 3:35 pm

I can craft the plates

Icebane Chestguard
Icebane Girdle
Icebane Treads

* 40x Saronite Bars
* 7x Eternal Fire
* 7x Eternal Water

These are free for guildies, just bring the mats
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PostSubject: Re: Frost resist gear   Frost resist gear Icon_minitimeMon Feb 16, 2009 2:29 pm

Hey all

I can craft the above cloth items if needed, just give me a holler if you need it...
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PostSubject: Re: Frost resist gear   Frost resist gear Icon_minitimeWed Feb 25, 2009 12:44 am

hey im lvling my JC pretty fast so i should be able to make the ring soon, so if u need the jewellry just /w me or ask me in game, i dont know mats yet so ask another JC and get them ready, ill make em for u ASAP Smile)
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PostSubject: Re: Frost resist gear   Frost resist gear Icon_minitimeThu Mar 12, 2009 8:03 am

As a Tailor/JC i can do the cloth & jewelry ones atm.
Have 440 skill in both and the recipies (i think, i know i have cloth but not 100% on ring, if not, itl take a day or two to get the mats for the recipie.
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PostSubject: Re: Frost resist gear   Frost resist gear Icon_minitime

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