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 Eye of Eternity - Malygos

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Eye of Eternity - Malygos Empty
PostSubject: Eye of Eternity - Malygos   Eye of Eternity - Malygos Icon_minitimeFri Feb 27, 2009 5:55 pm

I felt inspired to type this up after we almost got Malygos to phase 3. GJ everyone!

Ciderhelm is 10x better with explaining then me so watch this!
Tankspot's Guide to Malygos

The one good thing about Malygos is that he has NO TAIL SWIPE. You can run behind him all you want!

Health is very important, as Ciderhelm mentions in the video. You should have 18-19k hp when fully buffed to survive Vortex and the barrage of damage in phase 2.

For phase 3, everyone will get to ride a red dragon and only use the dragons abilites. Blizzard put in sort of a training quest for this:

Aces High daily quest

This allows you to ride the dragon from phase 3, but without the big mean raidboss shooting death at you. Yay!

If you plan on coming to a Malygos raid, you would be wise to practice a little on the quest.

Last edited by Charrin on Mon Mar 02, 2009 1:22 pm; edited 2 times in total
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Eye of Eternity - Malygos Empty
PostSubject: Re: Eye of Eternity - Malygos   Eye of Eternity - Malygos Icon_minitimeSat Feb 28, 2009 8:46 am

You can train the Phase 3 countless times per day, just dont complete the quest Smile, yes i know, anoying.

Also for the spark, DK can grip it.

But it was epic fight yesterday Smile, even with that freak Evilslayer flaming me and expalining wath he will do with my children for kicking him.
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Eye of Eternity - Malygos Empty
PostSubject: Re: Eye of Eternity - Malygos   Eye of Eternity - Malygos Icon_minitimeMon Mar 02, 2009 12:59 am

lol sorta like Chaosblade last night in Naxx, bugger kept dying over and over... to frogger part, to green slime part, to vortex in kelly, lol..
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PostSubject: Re: Eye of Eternity - Malygos   Eye of Eternity - Malygos Icon_minitimeFri Mar 06, 2009 5:35 pm

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Eye of Eternity - Malygos Empty
PostSubject: Re: Eye of Eternity - Malygos   Eye of Eternity - Malygos Icon_minitimeTue Mar 10, 2009 1:50 am

Phase 1.

The tank will grab Malygos - please allow him a few seconds to grab aggro. The rest of the raid should stand in the centre of the area bunched up. As Malygos is being tanked a star will appear and make its way to Malygos - if it gets to him it will give him a 10/15s buff that increases his damage by 50%. This stacks so don't let any get to him or your healers will have a hard time healing the tank. So you have to kill the stars before they get to Malygos. Once destroyed they drop onto the ground a lightning field that if you stand into it you get a 50% damage buff. So what you wanna do is kill them as they come to the raid. That way you get a stacking buff - each of them giving +50% damage - the most we say in 10 man was 3 of them (total 150% damage increase) which was pretty sweet.

Phase 2.

At 50% malygos gets annoyed and summons a load of blood elves of discs that have to be killed before phase 3 starts.
There are 2 types of these blood elves - 3/4 or each type.
The first type that move along the floor and the second that fly in the air.
The ground ones have to go first - once they die they drop the discs they're on and the melee classes can jump on the discs and fly up in the air and kill the flying ones.
While your fighting the ground ones, the flying ones will be firing crap all over the place that hits for 14k damage unless you're hiding inside one of the Arcane bubbles that appear on the platform. These bubbles only last a short while - getting smaller and smaller, but thankfully more appear for you to run into. This phase is really easy - as long as you stick to the bubbles if your on the platform. (people on the discs flying around wont get hit by the 14k arcane bolt things) Once all the adds are dead we move to...

Phase 3.

At this point Malygos is REALLY pissed! and he blows up the platform!

OH MY GOD!! We're falling to our death!!

Thud! Wow I was caught by a dragon! Cool!!!

So Your dragon has 6 abilities.

1 - Fires a fire bolt at Malygos that puts a combo point on him and does fire damage over time(which stacks)
2 - Does a damage to malygos based on the number of combo points you have up on Malygos
3 - Same as 1, but Heals the target and puts a combo point up.
4 - Sets off an AOE heal based on the number of combo points up on the target
5 - Fire shield - This protects you from Malygos for a certain amount of damage based on the number of combo points up on Malygos.
6 - Speed buff.

The entire raid should just do the following (apart from the Main Tank)
Press 1 twice so you get 2 combo points up on malygos, then wait till you have 85 energy and press 2.

Just keep doing that and eventually you can be doing 100k dps due to the number of stacks of the fire damage up on Malygos.
If Malygos ever targets you and you get the warning - press 5 to protect yourself.

The Main tank should mark himself with a raid mark and target one of his/her fellow raiders and start spamming 3 till he has 5 combo points up and then press 4 to do the AOE heal.

While he is doing that he should also be move around Malygos or the Lightning Fields will kill the raid.

Everyone should stick together - then provided you have enough time after phase 1 and 2 then its a cake walk.
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PostSubject: Re: Eye of Eternity - Malygos   Eye of Eternity - Malygos Icon_minitimeThu Mar 12, 2009 12:09 am

Just thought I'd copy/paste from wowwiki about phase 3:

Phase 3

Malygos will shatter the platform when all of the Scions of Eternity and Nexus Lords are dead, beginning phase 3. The raid will drop onto red dragons, which will be used to kill Malygos. Malygos stops using all previous abilities in this phase.

New abilites used:
* Arcane Pulse: Deals 28275 to 31725 Arcane damage to anyone within 30 yards of Malygos. (Move away from the big mean dragon.)

* Static Field: Creates a blue, electric-looking orb on a random target. This orb deals 9425 to 10575 Arcane damage per second to anyone within 30 yards of it. (Move away from big mean electrical field.)

* Surge of Power: Malygos will target a random person and give them a warning that Malygos is focusing on them. Malygos will then shoot a beam at his target, dealing 12000 Arcane damage every half second for 3 seconds, as well as 5000 Arcane damage per second to anyone near the primary target for 5 seconds. (Use Flame Shield. You need combo points and 25 energy.)

Dragon Abilites:

The dragons have 6 abilities:

* (1) Flame Spike:

Damaging fire attack causing 943-1057 fire damage and awarding 1 combo point at the cost of 10 energy.

* (2) Engulf in Flames:

Finishing move which launches a blast of flame igniting target for 1500 fire damage every 3 seconds. The effect can stack and will last longer per combo point up to 22 seconds. Costs 50 energy.

* (3) Revivify:

A HoT that lasts for 10 seconds healing 500 per second and awarding 1 combo point at the cost of 10 energy. This can stack up to 5 times. Each drake has its own stack, so if two drakes are stacking this ability on a single drake, that drake will have two separate stacks.

* (4) Life Burst:

Huge AoE healing finishing move which increases the casters healing done by 50% and lasts longer per combo point. Max combo points award a 15k heal to all friendly targets within 60 yards over 25 seconds. Costs 50 energy.

* (5) Flame Shield:

Finishing move to protect your drake. Shield surrounds you reducing all damage taken by 80% and lasting up to 6 seconds for max combo points. Costs 25 energy with a 30 second cooldown.

* (6) Blazing Speed:

Increases your drake's flight speed by 500% for 8 seconds. Costs 0 energy with a 30 second cooldown.
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Eye of Eternity - Malygos Empty
PostSubject: Re: Eye of Eternity - Malygos   Eye of Eternity - Malygos Icon_minitimeTue Apr 07, 2009 8:22 am

Watch it, learn it, watch again and be ready for malygos :>
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PostSubject: Re: Eye of Eternity - Malygos   Eye of Eternity - Malygos Icon_minitime

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