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 Warlock - Avoidanti - Warlock

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4 posters

Posts : 1
Join date : 2009-03-27

Warlock - Avoidanti - Warlock Empty
PostSubject: Warlock - Avoidanti - Warlock   Warlock - Avoidanti - Warlock Icon_minitimeFri Mar 27, 2009 3:16 pm

1. Character name: Avoidanti
2. Character class: Warlock
3. Link to Armory Is right here

4. What spec do you use? Why? Demonology (Hard to spell :O), couse with my current gear it works best..
5. Are you open to change your spec for raid needs? Very

6. Tell us something about yourself. Hobbies, favorite music, addictions or whatever comes to mind.
LARP, RP, Games, Programming.. these are the things that are important to me :O

7. Primary professions and skill level
Herb(450) Alch (430)

8. Raiding experience?
From TBC and Vanilla. Vanilla done, TBC was most things pre. 25

9. PvP, RP or PvE?
10. crisps or chocolate?
Crisps.. def.

11. Previous guilds in Sporeggar , why did you leave?
Incendira (died), Opera non Verba (died)

12. Why do you want to join End of Days?
Becouse you got Vinth! ANd he tells me are you awsome. Also im quite interessted in getting back into PvE... so I talked ot him and he surgested I join you lot... xD

13. Who do you know in End of Days?
Vinthellas, mostly him actually :O

14. We're currently raiding Naxx10, OS10/25 and Naxx 25 (12 of 15 bosses down) Raid times vary depending on group ( we start between 17:00 - 19:00 Friday and Saturday) are these times good for you? Very good times...

Well.. if you need more send me a tell, or a PM Wink or just write here...
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Posts : 7
Join date : 2009-02-26

Warlock - Avoidanti - Warlock Empty
PostSubject: Re: Warlock - Avoidanti - Warlock   Warlock - Avoidanti - Warlock Icon_minitimeFri Mar 27, 2009 3:44 pm

Well I've known Avoid since TBC and not to mention he joined Incendria during our good times.He's a nice fella and I'm sure he'll work on his gear and could soon be ready to join our EoD pro raidin' team! So thumbs up from me, hope you'll be joining us Avoid. Smile
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Posts : 50
Join date : 2009-02-26
Location : Lisbon, Portugal

Warlock - Avoidanti - Warlock Empty
PostSubject: Re: Warlock - Avoidanti - Warlock   Warlock - Avoidanti - Warlock Icon_minitimeFri Mar 27, 2009 3:54 pm

Vinthy wrote:
Well I've known Avoid since TBC and not to mention he joined Incendria during our good times.He's a nice fella and I'm sure he'll work on his gear and could soon be ready to join our EoD pro raidin' team! So thumbs up from me, hope you'll be joining us Avoid. Smile
if vinny vouches for you... so do I Smile
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Posts : 100
Join date : 2009-01-13
Location : Norway

Warlock - Avoidanti - Warlock Empty
PostSubject: Re: Warlock - Avoidanti - Warlock   Warlock - Avoidanti - Warlock Icon_minitimeFri Mar 27, 2009 7:13 pm

Valiel wrote:
Vinthy wrote:
Well I've known Avoid since TBC and not to mention he joined Incendria during our good times.He's a nice fella and I'm sure he'll work on his gear and could soon be ready to join our EoD pro raidin' team! So thumbs up from me, hope you'll be joining us Avoid. Smile
if vinny vouches for you... so do I Smile

seconded Smile

Welcome to End of Days
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Warlock - Avoidanti - Warlock Empty
PostSubject: Re: Warlock - Avoidanti - Warlock   Warlock - Avoidanti - Warlock Icon_minitime

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