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 Karuna, feral druid

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Karuna, feral druid Empty
PostSubject: Karuna, feral druid   Karuna, feral druid Icon_minitimeSat May 02, 2009 8:36 am

1. Character name Karuna
2. Character class Druid
3. Link to Armory / wow-heroes http://eu.wowarmory.com/character-sheet.xml?r=Sporeggar&n=Karuna Might show my pvp gear so may as well say that I'm hit and expertise capped in pve gear.

4. What spec do you use? Why? Feral because it's my favorite spec, but working on resto too.
5. Are you open to change your spec for raid needs? Already got two specs, what more u want ? Wink

6. Tell us something about yourself. Hobbies, favorite music, addictions or whatever comes to mind.

7. Primary professions and skill level. enchanting and jewelcrafting, level 450 both

8. Raiding experience? A few wings in naxx occasionally, voa and OS every week.

9. PvP, RP or PvE? Pvp and increasingly pve. I don't rp but I don't abuse /y or /s either.
10. crisps or chocolate? chocolate

11. Previous guilds in Sporeggar , why did you leave? The shade, I became the only person that was ever online.
12. Why do you want to join End of Days? To raid
13. Who do you know in End of Days? Examining your guild roster, Enthar for one, recognise a lot of the names though.

14. We're currently raiding Naxx10, EoE10, OS10/25 +1 and Naxx 25 (12 of 15 bosses down) Raid times vary depending on group ( weekdays we raid from 19-23, friday and saturday we raid 18-24) are these times good for you? yup

15. Do you agree to these terms: ofc

- You attend most of our raids
- You show up 15-30 min before raid start ready with flasks, pots and food
- You show patience on progresion raids. Sometimes we have bad days where we wipe and wipe. Don't complain about it.
- You watch boss videos and read tactics before raidstart if you do not know a bossfight
- You dont expect free epics. If you show no effort in following these terms, you might aswell look for a new guild.

Last edited by Karuna on Sat May 02, 2009 6:03 pm; edited 1 time in total
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Karuna, feral druid Empty
PostSubject: Re: Karuna, feral druid   Karuna, feral druid Icon_minitimeSat May 02, 2009 10:15 am


Good application, but it lacks.(In my eyes)
I just looked at youre armory, and saw youre PvP gear. To bad.

So I would like to see youre gear ingame for how it looks like and how good it is.

Greetings, Sadida.
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Join date : 2009-05-02

Karuna, feral druid Empty
PostSubject: Re: Karuna, feral druid   Karuna, feral druid Icon_minitimeSat May 02, 2009 1:49 pm

Karuna wrote:
Might show my pvp gear so may as well say that I'm hit and expertise capped in pve gear.

Hence me writing that in my application. Check again.

[edit to application]

Just did the full 10 man naxx and also managed to upgrade my helm from the wg to a 10 man naxx one. So scrub some of what i said out.

Hmm, can't say im encouraged by your age and attitude tbh. Is it typical of the guild?
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Karuna, feral druid Empty
PostSubject: Re: Karuna, feral druid   Karuna, feral druid Icon_minitimeSat May 02, 2009 6:40 pm

Hey Karuna,

Don't misunderstand Sadidas post, she's doing an excellent job as our druid class leader. Age isn't a matter aslong as the person is mature Wink

We are however a raid guild, so armory link with pvp-stats is of little use to us. I checked your armory earlier today, and again now. I see some good PvE gear from heroics, crafted epics, raid drops and emlems of valor/heroism - with proper enchanting. Good start Wink

How long have you been playing? Has it been pvp all the time?
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Join date : 2009-05-02

Karuna, feral druid Empty
PostSubject: Re: Karuna, feral druid   Karuna, feral druid Icon_minitimeSat May 02, 2009 8:01 pm

Sorry about my previous message, I didn't feel quite right about posting it but giving up smoking so I'm a little angry atm Smile

I've been playing for about 18 months I think. Bought the game originally just after the release but couldn't get into it. Tried again about 20 months later ( Which happened to be over the opening weekend for burning crusade ) but failed again. Finally created a mage on spor about 18 months ago, got ganked at tarren mill and then rolled a druid so i could stay hidden Smile . 20 levels later and I started coming back to tarren mill to help the lower levels against alliance as I always said I would and my pvp started about there. Suppose I've spent about 18 months pvp obsessed, finally even grinded the conqueror title by grinding about 2 weeks of ab followed by two weeks of wsg. Not a whole left lot of the main bg achievements left I don't think.

For pve I'll fully admit that I'm still a noob. I only ran about 3 instances from 0-70, and then only one heroic at 70 to get my swift flight form. I'd been considering trying another go at it and then just happened to get in a voa group with no other druids and Valorous Dreamwalker Handgrips dropped. I didn't want to say no and somehow it kicked off a pve addiction. Which isn't too bad because I managed to get a priest I know hooked on pve and we're running heroics all the time.

Except theres only so much you can do there and you reach a point where you need to progress. And raids just aren't fun if you don't know the people you're running them with. I've tried and had good groups and I've tried and had useless groups, personally I'll be happy with reliable groups. Which led me here Smile.

Last edited by Karuna on Sun May 03, 2009 3:00 pm; edited 1 time in total
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Karuna, feral druid Empty
PostSubject: Re: Karuna, feral druid   Karuna, feral druid Icon_minitimeSun May 03, 2009 2:03 am

I know all you young peeps don't care but with the older members I may still carry some weight, I vouch for Karuna's skills and ability to work in a team, if we accept him in our guild it will definetely be to our advantage. True that he needs some more PvE experience but on the other hand with WotLK end-game dungeons and raids so do I so if he joins he'll never lack a healer while I'm online Smile
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Karuna, feral druid Empty
PostSubject: Re: Karuna, feral druid   Karuna, feral druid Icon_minitimeMon May 04, 2009 5:37 am


whisper Sadida ingame please for a final gearcheck and a chat. We have a spot open for a feral dps these days, and a dual specced healer is always handy.
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Karuna, feral druid Empty
PostSubject: Re: Karuna, feral druid   Karuna, feral druid Icon_minitimeTue May 05, 2009 7:08 am

Karuna has my vouch.
He seems to be keen to learn more than anything, this is what we need to see more of!!

offtopic, i remember back in the day levelling my main, I was being ganked in hillsbrad (no real surprise) and Karuna came and saved me, always remembered that for some reason.

Kinda feel i'd be repaying the favour
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Karuna, feral druid Empty
PostSubject: Re: Karuna, feral druid   Karuna, feral druid Icon_minitimeWed May 06, 2009 4:37 am

Welcome to End of Days
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Karuna, feral druid Empty
PostSubject: Re: Karuna, feral druid   Karuna, feral druid Icon_minitime

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