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 Demonikus - Druid

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Demonikus - Druid Empty
PostSubject: Demonikus - Druid   Demonikus - Druid Icon_minitimeTue Mar 24, 2009 2:33 am

1. Character name - Demonikus
2. Character class Druid
3. Link to Armory

4. What spec do you use? Why? I use feral because i find i can still heal pretty well when i change gear, and of course i can grind easily in cat form. i find it has more flexibility than other specs. also, i can stand stopping to drink.

5. Are you open to change your spec for raid needs? yeah but not like every day changing it cos i will lose all my gold

6. Tell us something about yourself. Hobbies, favorite music, addictions or whatever comes to mind. my hobbies are wow, and watching family guy simpsons south park etc i play guitar and of course get smashed as often as i can. my music is like anything rock.

7. Primary professions and skill level skinning and leatherworking my skills on the armory page its not too bad

8. Raiding experience? i have a level 80 warlock and have done most of naxxramus, OS, VoA. never managed to get a good enough group for EoE. so basically i played at 80, my warlock is almost full epic. i stopped playing him for various reasons.

9. PvP, RP or PvE? - a mix of all, some pvp is fun although im not really into it on my druid. my druid is a gentle character normally so doesnt do BGs or anything and avoids hurting gnomes. RP is fun, and pve dungeons and raiding are awsom IMO.

10. crisps or chocolate? Have you seen those things that are like crisps but theyre made of chocolate? Those.

11. Previous guilds in Sporeggar , why did you leave? i own the guild chaos. i didnt leave. but it has very few members so i need to sort out a new guild so i can do stuff at 80,

12. Why do you want to join End of Days? so that i have groups for level 80 dungeons and raids and people to talk to while i play

13. Who do you know in End of Days? eerm nobody r eally. i have spoken to breybeard before, but i was doing a trade with drumsku and he asked me to apply. and he seems cool so...

14. We're currently raiding Naxx10, OS10/25 and Naxx 25 (12 of 15 bosses down) Raid times vary depending on group ( we start between 17:00 - 19:00 Friday and Saturday) are these times good for you? i have no life and no job so yeah. except tommorow and the day after is my birthday celebrations so not then.

So basically im a feral druid. i HATE dpsing as cat when im in groups. i have some spell gear but its not great so i can respec if needed
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Join date : 2008-06-20
Age : 33
Location : Leeds, England

Demonikus - Druid Empty
PostSubject: Re: Demonikus - Druid   Demonikus - Druid Icon_minitimeTue Mar 24, 2009 7:12 am

I'm a little confused.
You're feral? But not feral DpS so.. you're a tank?

Owwiee My head Sad

Well if you are a tank i don't think we need anymore tank BUT we haven't got a druid tank anymore?

I'm too confused to have an opinion. Poorly done Application Sad
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Demonikus - Druid Empty
PostSubject: Re: Demonikus - Druid   Demonikus - Druid Icon_minitimeTue Mar 24, 2009 7:16 am

After checking armory i see youre only level 78, not a problem but you will be expected to reach 80 and work towards getting your own set of crafted epics.

Also spec may need to be sorted (but i dotn know druids), gear choice hinted towards Bear tank (highest stat is stam)

As for tanks we i dont believe we have spots in the guild for more tanks at the moment.

But the biggest issue is level/gear standard at the moment.
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Demonikus - Druid Empty
PostSubject: Re: Demonikus - Druid   Demonikus - Druid Icon_minitimeTue Mar 24, 2009 8:00 am

We arent looking for any feral druid at the moment. We have enough tanks, and cat dps is just not viable in raids without an insane gear perfection.

You are however welcome to apply as Balance or Resto
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Demonikus - Druid Empty
PostSubject: Re: Demonikus - Druid   Demonikus - Druid Icon_minitimeTue Mar 24, 2009 10:02 am

Just like the others said, It's a little messy.
And since we are full on Tank Druids, you can aplly as Resto or Balance.
But if you want to, I would like to see ur gear of it

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Demonikus - Druid Empty
PostSubject: Re: Demonikus - Druid   Demonikus - Druid Icon_minitimeFri Mar 27, 2009 7:18 am

i dont see why its fair to tear my app to peices, especially after putting in questions like crisps or chocolate.
thendra, feral applies to bear and cat -tank and melee dps. there are variations to how you spec and gear if you want to tank rather than dps.
ill sort something out to show my spell gear, obviously ill be making big improvements to it if im going to change spec
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Age : 33
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Demonikus - Druid Empty
PostSubject: Re: Demonikus - Druid   Demonikus - Druid Icon_minitimeFri Mar 27, 2009 7:28 am

Nobody ripped your application to pieces. You just seemed not to put much effort in.
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Demonikus - Druid Empty
PostSubject: Re: Demonikus - Druid   Demonikus - Druid Icon_minitimeFri Mar 27, 2009 7:38 am

does anybody have any ideas on how i can show my healing gear without putting on and waiting for the armory to update
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Demonikus - Druid Empty
PostSubject: Re: Demonikus - Druid   Demonikus - Druid Icon_minitimeFri Mar 27, 2009 8:56 am

Ive now respecced to balance. please dont analyze my gear too much because ill be making big improvements Smile
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Join date : 2009-01-13
Location : Norway

Demonikus - Druid Empty
PostSubject: Re: Demonikus - Druid   Demonikus - Druid Icon_minitimeFri Mar 27, 2009 9:51 am

Since u have naxxaramas experience you are welcome to join us on a trail basis. A tank spot just opened, so if you like you can play in ur feral gear. I think you will like it here :>

Welcome to End of Days
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Demonikus - Druid Empty
PostSubject: Re: Demonikus - Druid   Demonikus - Druid Icon_minitime

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Demonikus - Druid
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