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 Ventrilo while raiding?

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Ventrilo while raiding? Empty
PostSubject: Ventrilo while raiding?   Ventrilo while raiding? Icon_minitimeTue Feb 17, 2009 3:16 am

Do we still have the old ventrilo server going? It would make raids even more fun, and prolly will save our asses from wipes now and then Razz
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Ventrilo while raiding? Empty
PostSubject: Re: Ventrilo while raiding?   Ventrilo while raiding? Icon_minitimeTue Feb 17, 2009 4:21 am

I would love it is still there Wink No endless yelling in raid chat, now just talking to each other. It's really usefull!
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Ventrilo while raiding? Empty
PostSubject: Re: Ventrilo while raiding?   Ventrilo while raiding? Icon_minitimeWed Feb 18, 2009 3:03 am

Only use of voice chat is to save you from boredom while waitng to buff up. Once we all jump into battle:
-and you are good player who knows wath to do - you dont need voice chat
-and you are not so good player who dont know tactics - the voice chat will not help, the time "someone spot you are doing something wrong, say it via voice chat, you hear it and realise wath he means" is so long that its too late anyway.

If you have DBM you will get message that you are in trouble faster than through voice chat.

Also if its written you can scroll up and refresh, instead of asking and show everyone that you cant remeber something for more than 1 min/dont pay attention when tactics are explained. And do you really want to raid w/o Sianji RW??? NO WAY!

Really, its easy to raid without voice chat, how do you think the BWL was conquered at first?

The voice chat is fun, but no practical usefull, its like mine personal mole machine (some of you know wath i want to say Very Happy).
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Ventrilo while raiding? Empty
PostSubject: Re: Ventrilo while raiding?   Ventrilo while raiding? Icon_minitimeSun Feb 22, 2009 3:27 am

lol i agree with all points been made here as everyones made a good one, we know from the past few raids that voice can help ease stress and even get certain people to move the fuck away when there repeatedly messing up! which is why weve got an even mix of both raid warning explinations of bosses and me ranting on how we should take them as we clear trash

so if you want to join inf voice chat grab a mic if not just keep your speakers on incase you fuck up!!!

svet is exempt from this rule due to been imba and also ive finally heard his voice
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PostSubject: Re: Ventrilo while raiding?   Ventrilo while raiding? Icon_minitime

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