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 Raiding spreadsheet

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PostSubject: Raiding spreadsheet   Raiding spreadsheet Icon_minitimeSat Mar 21, 2009 5:15 am

Not all of our raids are flawless, sometimes slacking, sometimes low attendance, sometimes no tactics learned, sometimes early leaves. That's not the right way to raid for EoD to my thought so here's the basic spreadsheet i will update for further raids that shows simple raiders' value by following criterias (both for 10/25):

* attended to raid
* being in top 2/3 by damage done on single boss
* being in worst 2/3 by damage done on single boss
* leaving the raid before it's called by raid leader or afk/brb for big amounts of time when raid is in progress
* causing raid to wipe/not knowing tactics

I'll add more features to calculation of summary weight of each raider, but for now basic calculation should be enuf::


Raids included: naxx25@20.03.2009, eoe10@21.03.2009, naxx10@22.03.2009, naxx10@23.03.2009

Last edited by Garrona on Mon Mar 23, 2009 3:57 pm; edited 1 time in total
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Join date : 2009-03-05
Age : 38
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Raiding spreadsheet Empty
PostSubject: Re: Raiding spreadsheet   Raiding spreadsheet Icon_minitimeMon Mar 23, 2009 7:40 am

While the sheets good and all i just wonder what its for?
At the moment to me it jsut seems like a name and shame sheet. I mean we all cause wipes at some point, i dont feel individual guild members need it displayed to all.

Also the TOP & Bottom DPS thing is kinda biased. If all people had equal gear and put out similar DPS then even 2k dps would be bottom.
Also combined witht he fact that blizz have said they expect pure classes to be slightly higher on DPS vs. hybrids.

Also it seems each raider is working towards a weighting of importance, which i fear will eventually lead to people being ignored in raid invites as they dont have a 'magic number' to be considered worthy to enter, but then has no raid EXP anyway so wont get taken.

I feel the best way for EoD to improve is to determine who are the better geared raiders and split them between our groups with a similar number of less geared people. This means the undergeared improve and the geared are proving themselves more useful than badge farmers.

Hats off to those who already pass spots based on gear judgements.
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Raiding spreadsheet Empty
PostSubject: Re: Raiding spreadsheet   Raiding spreadsheet Icon_minitimeMon Mar 23, 2009 3:57 pm

Answer is: for raid discipline and to make people start working on their raid progress.
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Location : Lisbon, Portugal

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PostSubject: Re: Raiding spreadsheet   Raiding spreadsheet Icon_minitimeMon Mar 23, 2009 5:06 pm

Eternis wrote:
I feel the best way for EoD to improve is to determine who are the better geared raiders and split them between our groups with a similar number of less geared people. This means the undergeared improve and the geared are proving themselves more useful than badge farmers.

so... those who worked to get PuG, who farmed gold and Emblem of Heroism, who wiped countless times in heroics to get that ho so great improvement should boost the recent dinged 80's just for the sake of it?

Eternis wrote:
Hats off to those who already pass spots based on gear judgements.
Thank you Wink
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Join date : 2009-01-25
Age : 36
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PostSubject: Re: Raiding spreadsheet   Raiding spreadsheet Icon_minitimeMon Mar 23, 2009 5:35 pm

Eternis wrote:
While the sheets good and all i just wonder what its for?
At the moment to me it jsut seems like a name and shame sheet. I mean we all cause wipes at some point, i dont feel individual guild members need it displayed to all.
If this is true, people will not be ashamed to have a few wipes noted to them. The purpose of this sheet would be to find out if someone is causing a huge amount of wipes. Yes, as I understand it this is sort of a name and shame sheet, but the purpose is to find (and remove/talk to?) people. Not the ones who sometimes accidentally causes a wipe or two - but the ones who mess up the general raid experience.

Eternis wrote:
Also the TOP & Bottom DPS thing is kinda biased. If all people had equal gear and put out similar DPS then even 2k dps would be bottom.
Also combined witht he fact that blizz have said they expect pure classes to be slightly higher on DPS vs. hybrids.
Yeah, but this is not a perfect world, and the bottom dps usually isn't close to the average in the raid (true for 25 man at least). Also, lots of hybrid classes are outperforming pure dps classes (I've seen Paladins, Warriors, Druids, Priests, DK's out-dps me).

Eternis wrote:
Also it seems each raider is working towards a weighting of importance, which i fear will eventually lead to people being ignored in raid invites as they dont have a 'magic number' to be considered worthy to enter, but then has no raid EXP anyway so wont get taken.
Sad but true. If the guilds 25 best players are online for a naxx25 run, but there's 30 people who wants to go, why shouldn't the 25 best have dibs on the spots?

Eternis wrote:
I feel the best way for EoD to improve is to determine who are the better geared raiders and split them between our groups with a similar number of less geared people. This means the undergeared improve and the geared are proving themselves more useful than badge farmers.
There are quite a number of people in the guild who already has full level 200 set of equipment. We run to equip the rest of the guild too, as well as getting badges and improving our skills at the dungeon. I don't really think EoD is ready to split into two Naxx 25 groups...

Now dismiss your social life and become a DKP slave! (:
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PostSubject: Re: Raiding spreadsheet   Raiding spreadsheet Icon_minitime

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