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 Application, Immo lvl 80 DK

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Application, Immo lvl 80 DK Empty
PostSubject: Application, Immo lvl 80 DK   Application, Immo lvl 80 DK Icon_minitimeSat May 09, 2009 12:36 pm

1. Character name: Immo
2. Character class: Death knight
3. Link to Armory

4. What spec do you use? Why?: I use blood spec because i think its best for DPS
5. Do you have dual spec, if not are you willing to respec to raid needs?: No i dont have dual spec. If i have money i am willing to respec.

6. Tell us something about yourself. Hobbies, favorite music, addictions or whatever comes to mind.: I am active and polite player who want to join good and active raiding guild. I am not expert with these raids but i learn fast.

7. Primary professions and skill level: I just bought mining that is 104 lvl and BS 94. Before that i got enchanting and tailoring

8. Raiding experience?I have done OS and VOA

9. PvP, RP or PvE? I like from all these 3.
10. crisps or chocolate?: BOth taste good but i think that chocolate is bit better.

11. Previous guilds in Sporeggar , why did you leave? I had my own guild but it was boring so i want to join active raid guild and get more friends.
12. Why do you want to join End of Days? Because it has cool name and sure good players who like to do raids with me.
13. Who do you know in End of Days? All players in there are new to me.
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Join date : 2009-02-26
Location : Lisbon, Portugal

Application, Immo lvl 80 DK Empty
PostSubject: Re: Application, Immo lvl 80 DK   Application, Immo lvl 80 DK Icon_minitimeSat May 09, 2009 5:59 pm

Hope you take what I'm about to wright has a positive thing, because I'm writing it in a positive mood

1st - Mate, you are trying to sell yourself here, the application is your 1st image to a guild where you know no one. I suggest you to take it into consideration and edit it Wink

2nd - Though you didn't post the link to the armory I went to search you there, and I have some concerns about your gear... I know we all need to gear up at some point, and everything counts, but if you're DPS, having tank gear just because its purple its a bad idea. (not to mention PVP gear to do PVE)

3rd - You spent 71 points in the blood tree... that is... the word I'm looking for is...WRONG, and I can tell you why. 1st, since all the Death Knight trees can tank, using all 71 points in the blood, you're taking tank talents that you don't need. 2nd, in the 1st tiers of the other 2 trees there are great DPS talents like Vicious Strike, Virulence and Black Ice. This said, you're spec is wrong in every aspect of it!

4th - Blood DPS trees are DEEPLY dependent in gear, and, with your sepc and gear, I doubt you can even reach 1k DPS (minimum for heroic runs is 1500)

All said and done, you need to improve before you can raid, or even run heroics for all that matters...
Sorry, but from me you're a NO GO!
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Join date : 2009-01-13
Location : Norway

Application, Immo lvl 80 DK Empty
PostSubject: Re: Application, Immo lvl 80 DK   Application, Immo lvl 80 DK Icon_minitimeMon May 11, 2009 4:35 am

Hey Immo

I agree on our DK class leader Valiels points about gear and spec. Having half tank half DPS spiced with a some PvP enchants isnt suitable for any of the 3. Gear is not really an issue as 2 runs in naxxaramas fix that. However i am conserned if you know your class well?

How long have you been playing, and wich other classes besides DK do u have?
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Application, Immo lvl 80 DK Empty
PostSubject: Re: Application, Immo lvl 80 DK   Application, Immo lvl 80 DK Icon_minitime

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