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 Application, Vinthelas

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Posts : 7
Join date : 2009-02-26

Application, Vinthelas Empty
PostSubject: Application, Vinthelas   Application, Vinthelas Icon_minitimeThu Feb 26, 2009 4:11 pm

1. Character name : Vinthelas
2. Character class : mage
3. Link to Armory: http://eu.wowarmory.com/character-sheet.xml?r=Sporeggar&n=Vinthelas

4. What spec do you use? Why? Since level 80 and heroics/raiding I've specced to use the new frostfire rotation.I find it a bit dissapointing when it comes to AoE but it makes up on single targets i.e. boss fights. the actuall spec is 0/53/18.
5. Are you open to change your spec for raid needs? But of course.

6. Tell us something about yourself. Hobbies, favorite music, addictions or whatever comes to mind.
Well I'm 21, in college and well dunno aside from listening to punk/indie stuff and playing wow there wouldn't be much else to add.Oh yeah I can handle a drink..or 2..or..heh.

7. Primary professions and skill level
Tailoring 416, Jewelcrafting 421.
8. Raiding experience?
Well seen most of the BC raids..actaully the only one I missed is SWP.WotLK wise I've done VoA 10/25 and Naxx 10/25 (only a couple of wings on Naxx heroic version).

9. PvP, RP or PvE? Well I love raiding so I'd have to say PVE, though I usually don't turn down some nice RP..if it doesn't interfere with my raiding schedule.
10. crisps or chocolate? Dunno, crisps?Razz

11. Previous guilds in Sporeggar , why did you leave? The Dalaran Exiles, The Frostbite Cabal (both RP), Amaranthine , Opera non Verba, Ith, and Incendria.The alst one was a project of mine together with some friends meant to take WotLK head on.Unfortunately while I was on holiday the drama spiked and well I could keep it together upon my return...it sucks but I gotta move on at some point.Smile
12. Why do you want to join End of Days? Well I'm keen on finding a stable, friendly PVE guild and considering my past experiences when most guild I joined ended up disbanded sooner rather than later, I really have my fingers crossed this time.Razz
13. Who do you know in End of Days? Well Sadi first of all sicne she's been in my guild before joining you guys.Aside from her well I've met a few others lately in instances/raids and they all seemed awesome blokes.

14. We're currently raiding Naxx10, OS10/25 and will start with Naxx 25 man version shortly. Raid times vary depending on group ( we start between 17:00 - 19:00 Friday and Saturday) are these times good for you?Aye I could make both days and most of the other aswell...I have a couple of days a week which require me to get up rather early however so I won't be able to pull all-nighters on a daily basis.
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Location : Norway

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PostSubject: Re: Application, Vinthelas   Application, Vinthelas Icon_minitimeThu Feb 26, 2009 5:22 pm

I remember a heroic instance with u some time ago, excellent DPS!

Nothing more than to say

Welcome to End of Days
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Application, Vinthelas Empty
PostSubject: Re: Application, Vinthelas   Application, Vinthelas Icon_minitimeFri Feb 27, 2009 1:50 am

Also grouped with this most capable Magus.

Welcome to the guild.
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Posts : 46
Join date : 2009-02-16
Age : 28
Location : Netherlands

Application, Vinthelas Empty
PostSubject: Re: Application, Vinthelas   Application, Vinthelas Icon_minitimeFri Feb 27, 2009 3:46 am

Gratz Vinthy ^-^

Welcome to the guild!
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PostSubject: Re: Application, Vinthelas   Application, Vinthelas Icon_minitime

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