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 Application. Lithron 80 Rogue

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Application. Lithron 80 Rogue Empty
PostSubject: Application. Lithron 80 Rogue   Application. Lithron 80 Rogue Icon_minitimeWed Mar 04, 2009 10:53 am

1. Character name: Lithron
2. Character class: Rogue
3. Link to Armory:http://eu.wowarmory.com/character-sheet.xml?r=Sporeggar&n=Lithron

4. What spec do you use? Why?
I am combat at this moment. (change mutilate spec when get other good dagger)
5. Are you open to change your spec for raid needs?
6. Tell us something about yourself. Hobbies, favorite music, addictions or whatever comes to mind.
I am 16 years old (soon 17). My name is Joonas and i come from Finland. I play American Football
7. Primary professions and skill level
Jewelcrafting is 448 and mining is 450
8. Raiding experience?
10-man naxx, 10 and 25-man OS. 25-man naxx left sapphiron, 4 horseman and thaddius
9. PvP, RP or PvE?
10. crisps or chocolate?crisps

11. Previous guilds in Sporeggar , why did you leave?Blackout and Guardian Order. In blackout I never have a change to go raids, becouse their raid times sucks..
12. Why do you want to join End of Days? I want join good raiding quild
13. Who do you know in End of Days?
14. We're currently raiding Naxx10, OS10/25 and will start with Naxx 25 man version shortly. Raid times vary depending on group ( we start between 17:00 - 19:00 Friday and Saturday) are these times good for you?
Yes. those times is good for me
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Application. Lithron 80 Rogue Empty
PostSubject: Re: Application. Lithron 80 Rogue   Application. Lithron 80 Rogue Icon_minitimeWed Mar 04, 2009 3:44 pm

I don't know this guy, but If Panzr vouches for him, so will I.

A good rogue doesn't hurt... we had none today for Naxx 25 XD well for half of it anyway!
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Posts : 100
Join date : 2009-01-13
Location : Norway

Application. Lithron 80 Rogue Empty
PostSubject: Re: Application. Lithron 80 Rogue   Application. Lithron 80 Rogue Icon_minitimeWed Mar 04, 2009 5:05 pm

And i do Smile

Welcome to End of Days
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Application. Lithron 80 Rogue Empty
PostSubject: Re: Application. Lithron 80 Rogue   Application. Lithron 80 Rogue Icon_minitime

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